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Men's Lifestyle - Safer Sex

Men's Lifestyle
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Safer Sex
      1 Why should I pay attention to sexual health?
      2 What causes sexual problems in men?
      3 How can I keep my sex life in good shape?
      4 What is "safer sex"?
      5 How can I use a condom properly?

1Why should I pay attention to sexual health?

We enjoy sex with our partner and feel good about our intimate relationships most of the time. Sex is a physical way to express love and affection for someone. Being in a sexual relationship can be very rewarding and enjoyable. But many men may have difficulties or problems about their sexual health.


2What causes sexual problems in men?

Many men find that it is sometimes difficult in initiating sex or having problems about their sexual health on occasion. Either they cannot get an erection, come too quickly for their partner, or simply lose their interest in sex. Other than medical reasons such as diabetes mellitus, common lifestyle causes for sexual problems include:

  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Drug abuse
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Being tired
  • Smoking

According to the Department of Health statistics in 2021, the number of male patients are more than that of female for various sexually transmitted diseases.

Health Alert

Patients with impotence should never use drugs (e.g. Sildenafil, male hormones or similar drugs) without a doctor's prescription as wrong use of these drugs may lead to prostate problems or heart disease, or even death in severe cases.

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Health Tips

Condom is the most effective way to reduce your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease if you use it properly.

3How can I keep my sex life in good shape?

There are many things you have to do in order to keep your sex life in shape:

  • Have a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, eating nutritious food and exercising regularly.
  • Avoid drug abuse.
  • Establish a faithful sexual relationship with your partner.
  • Try to find out how you can relax.
  • Don't get upset about your sexual failure. Try other ways that do not involve penetration such as kissing or touching.
  • Share your worries with your partner and ask for support.
  • Don't force yourself (or your partner) to have sex if you are not ready. To have enjoyable sex, both partners need to agree to have sex without any intimidation.
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4What is "safer sex"?

Safer sex means sexual intercourse which avoids direct contact with partner's body fluid, like vagina secretion, semen, blood or saliva. It reduces your risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and also accidental pregnancy. Safer sex includes:

  • Using condom during intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral)
  • Mutual masturbation
  • Skin kissing or dry kiss (without contact with saliva)
  • Caressing or sensuous touching
  • Watching the naked body of the partner
Do You Know...

Many men may have difficulties or problems about their sexual health.

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5How can I use a condom properly?

Condom is the most effective way to reduce your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease if you use it properly. It should be used each and every time you have intercourse.

Choosing and caring for condom

  • Choose a brand that fits you comfortably.
  • Make sure the use-by date on the packet is current.
  • Check the package for any breakage or broken seals.
  • Ensure that condoms are kept in cool, dry place.

Putting on the condom

  • Put the condom on before any sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral).
  • Open the packet carefully. Do not snag the condom with rings or fingernails.
  • Squeeze the teat on the end of the condom to expel air and make room for the semen.
  • Place the condom against the tip of the penis and gently unroll it down to the base of the penis.
  • Always use water-based lubricant. Do not use oil or vaseline.

After ejaculating

  • Withdraw the penis before it becomes flaccid.
  • Hold the rim of the bottom to prevent spillage while withdrawing the penis, and slip the condom off carefully.
  • Wrap it in paper and put it in the bin. Do not flush the condom down the toilet.
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Who Else Can Help?

Hong Kong Family Planning Association Service Hotline
Phone : 2572 2222

Red Ribbon Centre Phone: 3143 7200

AIDS Hotline
Phone : 2780 2211

The Virtual AIDS Office of Hong Kong