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National Committee for the Certification of Wild Poliovirus Eradication in Hong Kong

Terms of Reference

  1. To regularly review the performance of acute flaccid paralysis/polio surveillance and polio immunisation activities in Hong Kong SAR and advise the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme on requirements to sustain certification quality standards; 
  1. To distribute information relevant to maintaining the polio-free status of Hong Kong SAR to each sector concerned; 
  1. To update the Regional Certification Commission on an annual basis if surveillance is adequate to both detect and respond to potential importations of wild poliovirus and vaccine-derived poliovirus, if immunity levels against poliovirus are high to protect against poliovirus circulation and to present a conclusion if there is evidence of poliovirus circulation in Hong Kong SAR; 
  1. To review if requirements for poliovirus laboratory containment are met in Hong Kong SAR; and 
  1. To inform the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific Region secretariat on an ad hoc basis if there is any obstacle for maintaining the polio-free status in Hong Kong SAR.


Chairman :  Professor CHAN Kay-sheung, Paul
Members : Dr. Jamie Sou Da ROSA DEQUE
Dr. KO Chun-hung
Dr. TSANG Ho-fai, Thomas, B.B.S.
Dr. YAU Yat-sun, Felix