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Board of Scientific Advisers

The Board of Scientific Advisers comprises medical experts including Chairmen of the Scientific Committees. The Controller meets with the Board of Scientific Advisers on a regular basis. Through active participation of experts who collectively provide a broadened perspective to disease prevention and control, the Board is best placed to formulate comprehensive and effective strategies that reinforce the local health protection system.


Dr TSUI Lok-kin, Edwin, J.P.


1. Prof. CHAN Kay-sheung, Paul  Chairman of the Scientific Committee on Vector-borne Diseases
2. Prof. HON Kam-lun, Ellis  Chairman of the Scientific Committee on Enteric Infections and Foodborne Diseases
3. Prof. HUI Shu-cheong, David, B.B.S., J.P Chairman of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases
4. Prof. LAU Yu-lung, B.B.S., J.P. Chairman of the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases
5. Dr LEE Cheuk-kwong, M.H. Chairman of the Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI
6. Dr YUNG Wai-hung, Raymond, M.H. Chairman of the Scientific Committee on Infection Control

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