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Message from the Director of Health

Dr Ronald LAM, JP

FHKAM (Community Medicine)
MFPHM (Irel)
M Med Sc (HK)
M Sc (Health and Hospital Mgt) (Birm)


Dr Ronald LAM, JP

Welcome to the website of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health.

The setting up of CHP in June 2004 contributed to the development of the capacity of Hong Kong’s public health system to deal with various important public health challenges. Through establishing a disease surveillance system, strengthening infection control, enhancing laboratory diagnostic capacity, conducting risk communication and health promotion, developing applied research and training programmes, and preparing emergency response plans, CHP seeks to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases with the following commitment (the 3 ‘P’s):

Protect the health of the community
Promote healthy living
Partner with stakeholders

With the support of our stakeholders, professional expertise drawn from various sectors of the community, and cooperation of local and international partners, CHP is fully prepared for the challenges ahead.

Dr Ronald LAM
Director of Health