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Men's Facts - Life Expectancy at Birth

Men's Facts
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Life Expectancy at Birth    


Life expectancy at birth is the most important and useful single overall and standardized measure of mortality in a population. Published figures show that Hong Kong men's life expectancy at birth is comparable to that of most industrialized countries. But men in Hong Kong, on average, die 6 years earlier than women.

The life expectancy at birth of men in Hong Kong has increased steadily from 72.3 in 1981 to 83.2 in 2021. The corresponding figures for women were 78.5 and 87.9 years respectively.



Life expectancy at birth, male and female, 1981-2021

Life Expectancy at Birth (Age in years)

Note :

Data in this chart from 1996 onwards are compiled based on the population estimates under the "resident population" approach instead of the "extended de facto" approach.

Source : Census and Statistics Department