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About AMR

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
13 April 2023
Static: Fight Drug Resistent Bacteria
Animated: Fight Drug Resistent Bacteria

Hong Kong Strategy and Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance
Homepage About AMR Strategic Framework
For General Public For Healthcare Workers Press Releases & Publications
Activities to Combat AMR Health Education Materials Related Links

About Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens when microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) evolve to become resistant to previously effective medications (i.e. antimicrobials). It is considered one of the greatest threats to global health and economy.
Antibiotics are medications used for treating bacterial infection. When antibiotics wipe out disease-causing bacteria in our body, normal bacteria are also killed, thereby increasing the opportunity for resistant bacteria to grow and multiply. These resistant bacteria are sometimes referred to as ‘superbugs’. Some superbugs are capable of resisting more than one antibiotic and such infections are difficult to treat. Although there may be alternative antibiotics available, they may be less effective or cause more side effects. Moreover, the development of new medicines is too far behind to keep pace with AMR evolution. If the problem of AMR does not improve, there would be fewer effective treatment options.
To combat the issue, actions taken by the healthcare sector alone are not enough and concerted efforts from the general public are crucial.

Related Questions and Answers

  • What are antimicrobial agents and antibiotics?
  • What are antimicrobial resistance bacteria?
  • What causes antimicrobial resistance?
  • What are the consequences of AMR?
  • What is the impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on AMR?