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School Immunisation Teams

School Immunisation Teams
6 September 2024

The main tasks of the School Immunisation Teams (SIT) under the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) are:

  1. providing immunisation services to Primary One students, Primary Five female students, and Primary Six students in Hong Kong under Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme (HKCIP) of the Department of Health (DH);
  2. providing mop-up for primary school students who have not completed immunisation recommended under HKCIP (including students who have newly arrived in Hong Kong and students who have missed the visits by SIT); and
  3. promoting information on immunisation to students, school staff, and parents, and strengthening their understanding of vaccine-preventable diseases. 

Mode of Operation

Each year, SIT visit Hong Kong Primary Schools for two immunisation campaigns, namely "Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccination Campaign" and "Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella/ Human Papillomavirus (HPV Vaccine also known as cervical cancer vaccine, only for female students) Vaccination Campaign". During the two campaigns, Hepatitis B Vaccine mop-up will be provided to Primary Six students who have not received 3 doses of Hepatitis B Vaccine on schedule.

In addition to visiting primary schools to provide students with vaccination, there are sub-offices under SIT for mop-up vaccination for students who have not yet completed immunisation recommended under HKCIP (By appointment).

Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme

Age/Grade Immunisation Recommended
The following vaccinations are administered at Maternal and Child Health Centres. Please click here for details.
  • Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Vaccine
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine - First dose
1 month
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine - Second dose
2 months
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis & Inactivated Poliovirus (DTaP-IPV) Vaccine - First dose
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine - First dose
4 months
  • DTaP-IPV Vaccine - Second dose
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine - Second dose
6 months
  • DTaP-IPV Vaccine - Third dose
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine - Third dose
12 months
  • Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Vaccine - First dose
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine - Booster dose
  • Varicella Vaccine - First dose
18 months
  • DTaP-IPV Vaccine - Booster Dose
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine - Second dose*
The following vaccinations are administered by SIT
Primary 1
Primary 5
Primary 6

* Children born on or after 1.7.2018 receive MMRV vaccine at 18 months old in Maternal and Child Health Centres. Children born between 1.1.2013 and 30.6.2018 receive MMRV vaccine in Primary 1.

^ Starting from the 2019/20 school year, eligible female students receive the first dose of 9-valent HPV vaccine in Primary 5 and the second dose when they reach Primary 6 in the next school year.

& SIT provide Hepatitis B vaccine and MMR/ MMRV vaccine mop-up to Primary 6 students who have not received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccines according to the immunisation schedule or who have not completed MMR/ MMRV vaccination according to the immunisation schedule, respectively.

Childhood Immunisation Record

After vaccination, the immunisation record card will be returned to the student.  Students registered with “eHealth” can download their records via “eHealth” mobile app.

Application for Copy of Childhood Immunisation Record

Please use this form if you apply for a copy of immunisation record with vaccines administered by Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCHCs), School Immunisation Teams (SIT) and Student Health Service (StdHS):

<Please click here for the Application Form>

If a third party is authorised to collect the copy, please complete and bring along the authorisation letter below:

<Please click here for the Authorisation Letter>

You may also apply for a copy of immunisation record online:

<Please click here to apply online>

Applicant has to be 18 years old or above. If the Data Subject is under 18 years old, the application must be made by his/her parent or legal guardian.

eHealth Registration and electronic health record

Parents can help arrange for their children to register with eHealth, so that their children can start building up an electronic immunisation record (as well as a personal lifelong electronic health record) from an early age and acquire coherent healthcare services as they grow up.  The vaccination records of various government vaccination programmes can be stored and accessed via the "eHealth" mobile application for flexible use as necessary in daily life, thereby saving the trouble of handling paper records and avoiding the risk of losing such records.  Please visit the website or call the eHealth hotline at 3467 6300 for more details or making enquiries about eHealth. The hotline service runs from 9am to 9pm, from Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Contact Us

For enquiries or appointment booking, please contact our staff during office hours (Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm) by phone at 2615 8585 or 2615 8563.

Office Address Telephone Number Service Hours

Tsuen Wan Office

2/F, 115 Castle Peak Road,
Tsuen Wan

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:30 pm

Tue to Fri:
9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm

Kowloon Office

Rm 215, 2/F,
Centre for Health Protection,
147C Argyle Street,

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

2753 8095

Tue, Thur
9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm

Lek Yuen Office

Rm 120, 1/F,
Lek Yuen Health Centre,
9 Lek Yuen Street,

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

3583 2945

9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm

North District Office

North District Community Health Centre Building,
No. 3 Wai Wo Street,
Sheung Shui

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

3902 2705

9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm

Sai Ying Pun Office

Rm 12, 5/F,
Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club,
Polyclinic Clinic,
134 Queen’s Road West,
Sai Ying Pun

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

2859 8236

9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm

Yuen Long Office

Room 316, 3/F,
Yuen Long District Office Building,
269 Castle Peak Road,
Yuen Long

2615 8585 / 2615 8563

2475 2630

9:00 am - 12:45 pm
2:00pm - 5:15 pm


  • All offices of School Immunisation Teams are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays