15 June 2021

Antibiotic Stewardship Programme in Primary Care
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change in ways that render the medications used to cure the infections they cause ineffective. AMR is a global public health concern. It is a problem related to you and me as AMR could affect anyone, of any age, in any country, resulted in reduced efficacy of antimicrobials, making the treatment of patients difficult, costly or even impossible. AMR can occur naturally, but misuse of antimicrobials in humans and animals is accelerating the process. Therefore, responsible use of antimicrobials is the key success factor for AMR containment.
Concerted efforts of the healthcare sector, general public and all stakeholders in the community and all over the world are required to combat AMR. Primary care is the first level of care in the whole healthcare system and family doctors are the main providers. They play a pivotal role in tackling AMR problem by reducing unnecessary antibiotic use. In connection to this, Centre of Health Protection of the Department of Health rolled out the “Antibiotic Stewardship Programme in Primary Care”, aiming to optimize the use of antibiotics by providing evidence-based antibiotic prescription guidance for common infections in community for doctors and healthcare professionals as reference. The guidance notes will be kept updating based on local epidemiology and international best practice.
As members of the public, your pledge to judicious use of antibiotics indeed is very important. Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a qualified health professional. Never share or use leftover antibiotics. Trust your family doctors and never demand antibiotics. Always follow their advice when using antibiotics. Besides, simple infection prevention and control measures like practicing good hand hygiene, maintain cough etiquette, ensure vaccinations up to date and prepare food hygienically, in fact are able to contribute in containment of AMR.
Antibiotics are a precious resource and should be preserved. Please get more information on AMR and the programme from your family doctors. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our family doctors of their unfailing support to judicious use of antibiotics and to disseminate the health materials and messages to clients during clinical encounters for raising people’s awareness of appropriate antimicrobial use and infection control measures.
Advisory Group on Antibiotic Stewardship in Primary Care
Chairman |
Dr Angus CHAN Ming-wai |
(President, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians) |
Members |
Dr David CHAO Vai-kiong |
(Chief of Service, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, United Christian Hospital, Hospital Authority) |
Dr CHOI Kin |
(President, Hong Kong Medical Association) |
Dr CHOI Kin-wing |
(Vice-president, Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases) |
Dr CHOW Yat |
(Executive Medical Director, Quality HealthCare Medical Services Limited) |
Dr HO Pak-leung, JP |
(Chairman, IMPACT Editorial Board) |
Dr Eric HUI Ming-tung |
(Chief of Service (Family Medicine), New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority) |
Dr KWONG Kin-hung |
(Medical Director, Human Health Holdings Limited) |
Mr Benjamin KWONG Yiu-sum |
(Senior Pharmacist, Hospital Authority) |
Professor LAM Tai-pong |
(Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, University of Hong Kong) |
Professor Martin WONG Chi-sang |
(Editor, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine) |
Dr YEUNG Chiu-fat |
(President, Hong Kong Doctors Union) |
Professor Joyce YOU Hoi-sze |
(Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
Dr Raymond YUNG Wai-hung |
(Specialist in Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital) |
Ex-officio Members from Department of Health |
Head, Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection |
Consultant (Antimicrobial Resistance) Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection |
Head, Primary Care Office |
Consultant (Family Medicine) Professional Development and Quality Assurance |
Senior Medical and Health Officer (2), Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection |
Senior Medical and Health Officer (3), Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection |
Senior Pharmacist, Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection |
Guidance Notes on Antibiotic Use
- Introduction
- Acute pharyngitis
- Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women
- Simple (uncomplicated) skin and soft tissue infections
- Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Acute otitis media
- Acute rhinosinusitis
- Community-acquired pneumonia
For feedback or comments on the Guidance Notes, please email to enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk
Education Materials