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Cooking/reheating food

Cooking/reheating food

Period: April 2015
Question: How often do you cook/reheat food thoroughly, especially seafood?

Frequency Male
Number (%)
Number (%)
Number (%)
All of the time 1 286 (64.3%) 1 656 (73.5%) 2 942 (69.2%)
Most of the time 322 (16.1%) 338 (15.0%) 660 (15.5%)
Some of the time 185 (9.3%) 159 (7.0%) 344 (8.1%)
None of the time 36 (1.8%) 29 (1.3%) 65 (1.5%)
Do not cook food 168 (8.4%) 68 (3.0%) 237 (5.6%)
Unknown/Missing/Outliers 1 (0.1%) 4 (0.2%) 5 (0.1%)
Total 1 999 (100.0%) 2 254 (100.0%) 4 253 (100.0%)

Note: Add-ups may not be equal to total due to rounding.