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Binge drinking

Binge drinking

Period: April 2014
Questions: During the past year, how often do you have at least 5 or more drinks on one occasion? That means the total number of glasses and cans of any type of alcohol, and one occasion means period of a few hours.

Number of times Male
Number (%)
Number (%)
Number (%)
Never 1 361 (69.4%) 1 976 (90.9%) 3 337 (80.7%)
Yes, once a month or less 414 (21.1%) 163 (7.5%) 578 (14.0%)
Yes, twice a month 39 (2.0%) 2 (0.1%) 41 (1.0%)
Yes, three times a month or more 119 (6.1%) 18 (0.8%) 136 (3.3%)
Unknown/Missing/Outliers 27 (1.4%) 15 (0.7%) 42 (1.0%)
Total 1 960 (100.0%) 2 174 (100.0%) 4 134 (100.0%)

Note: Add-ups may not be equal to total due to rounding.