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Reminder for People with Hypertension

The symptoms of hypertension

  • The blood vessels of people with hypertension are thick and rigid and the heart tends to overwork.
  • Most people with hypertension do not have noticeable symptoms, but some may suffer from headache, dizziness and fatigue.

The dangers of hypertension

  • If hypertension is not well controlled and treated, the following complications may result:
    • Cardiac failure
    • Coronary heart disease
    • Renal failure
    • Stroke
  • Uncontrolled hypertension can be a silent killer, so it is of utmost importance to follow up regularly and to undergo treatment.

What you should know about hypotensive drugs

Medication usually yields satisfactory results, but it requires a patient's full cooperation. Some patients are not familiar enough with the medication or take the advice of persons other than their doctor. As a result, not only do they fail to control their high blood pressure but other complications may develop. When taking hypotensive drugs, it is important to note the following points:
  • Take your medication faithfully
    • Always follow your doctor's instructions on the dosage and the time to take the medicine, which will usually be at a certain time each day. If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember again. However, if it's already close to the time that you will need to take the next dose, don't make up the previous dosage, or else you will end up with a double dose. Never stop taking medication on your own even when symptoms disappear or when your blood pressure returns to normal. This is extremely dangerous because sudden cessation of medication may produce a "rebound effect" causing your blood pressure to rise sharply. In extreme cases it could result in seizures or coma.
  • Take your medication patiently
    • Each person reacts differently to each kind of medication and each person's ideal dosage is slightly different. Your doctor will have to try out different kinds and dosages of medication for a period of time before determining which is most effective for you. It is important to be patient and to cooperate with the doctor fully during this time.
  • Don't expect immediate results
    • Don't expect the use of medication will bring your blood pressure down immediately. While taking medication, don't increase the dosage on your own in hopes of quickly bringing your blood pressure down to normal. If your blood pressure drops too quickly, the blood flow to your heart and kidneys will be reduced, resulting in angina pectoris and renal failure. That's why high blood pressure have to be reduced gradually.
  • Become familiar with the name and dosage of your medication. Whenever you see a doctor, be sure to inform him that you are taking this medication.
  • While taking medication, do not drink alcoholic beverages, as this may result in dizzy spells or fainting.
  • Don't take other medications without obtaining your doctor's permission.
  • Always make sure you have several days' supply of medication. Don't wait until you're down to your last pill before refilling your prescription. If you are going on a trip, be sure to take enough medication along with you.
  • Ask your doctor about any side effects your medication that might have, such as headache, dryness of mouth, fatigue and dizziness.

Adjusting your lifestyle for hypertension

  • Don't binge on food or drink. Try to maintain a reasonable weight. Eat appropriate amounts of starch in the form of rice, noodles, congee, bread, and potatoes. Avoid eating sweets such as candy, sweet biscuits, ice cream and other deserts.
  • Eat food that is light and bland. Avoid salty foods such as dried fish, fermented bean curd, preserved eggs, preserved soya beans, shrimp paste, preserved plums and pickled vegetables.
  • Avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol such as lard, fritters, cream, pig's brain, quail's eggs, squid and octopus.
  • Seek you doctor's advice on exercise. Adequate exercise can help to bring your blood pressure down and keep it at normal level.