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External Quality Assessment Programmes

The Public Health Laboratory Services Branch commits to continuous improvement of the standard of laboratories in Hong Kong through provision of external quality assessment programmes.


Five schemes are available as follows:

  1. Acid Fast Bacillus Microscopy (AFB)
  2. Bacteriology (BAC)
  3. Blood-borne Parasite Detection (BPD)
  4. Microbial Serology (MS)
    1. Syphilis Serology (SSY)
    2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Serology (SHV)
    3. Hepatitis B Virus Serology (SHB)
    4. Hepatitis C Virus Serology (SHC)
  5. Hepatitis B Virus DNA Quantification (HBQ)


Programme schedule:     



General information

  1. To participate, please email the completed enrolment form to
  2. Participants are requested to collect specimens from the Public Health Laboratory Centre (382 Nam Cheong Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon) within designated periods. Notification email will be sent to participants at least one week before the specimens are available for collection.
  3. All results have to be submitted online via an embedded hyperlink in the notification email. No other format of result submission will be accepted. No results will be accepted after the designated deadline.
  4. Due to resource limitation, the number of participants in some schemes would be limited, on a first-come-first-served basis. A lower priority may be accorded to participants who repeatedly fail to follow instructions, fail to return results or fail to collect specimens within the designated period.
  5. Information on participants’ performance and identity will not be disclosed to any third party unless prior agreement with the concerned participants has been obtained.
  6. Participants may be requested to provide proof of competence in handling clinical specimens.
  7. Provision of repeat specimens is subject to discretion of the Scheme Head.
  8. Certificate of enrolment would be provided on request. Please indicate the exact wording of the name of the laboratory to be included in the certificate.


Acid Fast Bacillus Microscopy (AFB)

  1. Frequency of distribution: Twice a year
  2. Test description: Acid fast staining and microscopic examination for the presence of acid-fast bacillus
  3. Items: Four microscopic slides with fixed sputum smear
  4. Deadline for return of results: Two weeks after specimen collection period


Bacteriology (BAC)

  1. Frequency of distribution: Twice a year
  2. Test description: Identification of potential pathogen(s) and/or antimicrobial susceptibility testing
  3. Clinical questions for educational purpose might be included
  4. Items: Four simulated clinical specimens / cultures (lyophilised)
  5. Deadline for return of results: Two weeks after specimen collection period


Blood-borne Parasite Detection (BPD)

  1. Frequency of distribution: Once a year
  2. Test description: Microscopic examination of blood-borne parasite and reporting of parasite density as appropriate
  3. Items: Three microscopic slides with fixed blood smears (Giemsa stained)
  4. Deadline for return of results: Two weeks after specimen collection period


Microbial Serology (MS)

  1. Participants may enrol in one or more of the following:
    1. Syphilis Serology (SSY)
    2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Serology (SHV)
    3. Hepatitis B Virus Serology (SHB)
    4. Hepatitis C Virus Serology (SHC)
  2. Frequency of distribution: Once a year
  3. Test description:
    1. SSY – Treponema pallidum total antibody immunoassay
    2. SHV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus antigen and/or antibody testing
    3. SHB – Hepatitis B Virus surface antigen and antibody testing
    4. SHC – Hepatitis C Virus antibody testing
  4. Items: Five simulated plasma/serum specimens
  5. Deadline for return of results: Two weeks after specimen collection period


Hepatitis B Virus DNA Quantification (HBQ)

  1. Frequency of distribution: Once a year
  2. Test description: Quantitative testing of HBV DNA in log IU/mL
  3. Items: Four simulated plasma/serum specimens
  4. Deadline for return of results: Two weeks after specimen collection period


Enquiry, Feedback, Appeal and Complaint

  1. Please email
  2. For appeal / complaint, Scheme Head would initiate investigation and provide written response within one month