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Donning of Full Set Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Perform hand hygiene before wearing PPE. Rub hands for at least 20 seconds. Rub the palms, back of hands, finger webs, back of fingers, thumbs, finger tips and wrists.

Choose surgical mask of appropriate size. The metallic strip faces upwards, the coloured side faces outwards, the folds of the outer surface point downwards. Position the elastic bands around both ears, extend the surgical mask to fully cover the mouth, nose and chin. Mould the metallic strip over the nose bridge. Check for coverage of the surgical mask.

Wear face shield. First remove the protection film if any. Hold the rubber band on both sides then put on the face shield. Face shield should cover from forehead to chin and lateral sides of face.

Wear cap. It should cover all of the hair, both ears and the upper part of face shield. For a compressed cap, unfold it into an open cap form before wearing it.

Wear gown. Hold the gown as high as possible when unfolding it to avoid touching the floor. Hold the gown in front and put on the sleeves first. Then fasten the tie or velcro tab at the back of neck. Ensure the two sides of the gown behind are overlapped so that the back is completely covered. Then fasten the ties at one side of the waist.

Lastly, wear gloves of appropriate size. They should completely cover the cuffs of the gown.