Dr Ken NG

Consultant (AMR), Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong
Dr Ken NG is the Consultant of Antimicrobial Resistance Division (formerly called Antimicrobial Resistance Office) in Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection. He is also the Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology of Chinese University of Hong Kong and an External Examiner of a master programme in HKU. He has been the Fellow of a number of professional bodies for over 10 years and is the HOKLAS Technical Assessor of HK Accreditation Service.
Dr Ken NG has been working as a clinical microbiologist in a public hospital for more than 15 years before taking up the current post. As the Consultant of Antimicrobial Resistance Division, he leads a team of multi-discipline professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacist and health informatics to tackle the escalating AMR problem in HK under the ‘One-Health’ concept as advocated by the WHO. Since then he has delivered a number of seminars, lectures and talks to professionals and public to reiterate the importance of combating AMR together.
Session 2: What are we facing?
[2.4] How One Health is exemplified through policy support Antibiotic Stewardship Programme in hospitals: current practice and challenges
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant global public health threat. AMR can affect different sectors and at the same time, it can spread among sectors and even countries. Different stakeholders need to work together to fight against AMR. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (the Administration) has all along recognized the growing problem of AMR and is committed to provide strong policy support to combat AMR under the ‘One Health Approach’. The Administration announced in the 2016 Policy Address the setting up of a High Level Steering Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance (HLSC) to formulate strategies in collaboration with the relevant sectors to tackle the threat. The Hong Kong Strategy and Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2017-2022) (Action Plan) was launched in 2017. It outlines the priority actions and activities under the following six key areas: 1) Strengthen knowledge through surveillance and research; 2) Optimise use of antimicrobials in humans and animals; 3) Reduce incidence of infection through effective sanitation, hygiene and preventive measures; 4) Improve awareness and understanding of AMR through effective communication, education and training; 5) Promote research on AMR; and 6) Strengthen partnerships and foster engagement of relevant stakeholders. The coordinated efforts of different stakeholders to implement the actions and activities to combat AMR will be highlighted in this session.