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Iodine Survey

Iodine Survey

Iodine Survey


Iodine is an essential micronutrient required for the production of thyroid hormone to support growth and development, especially of the brain. The Department of Health (DH) has commissioned the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to conduct an Iodine Survey to assess the iodine status of three population subgroups in Hong Kong.


This survey aimed to assess the iodine status among school-aged children, pregnant women and lactating mothers in Hong Kong.


Around 1,000 school-aged children, 1,500 pregnant women and 500 lactating women were recruited from Student Health Service Centres, Maternal and Child Health Centres under DH and Hospital Authority birthing hospitals.

Data Collection and Survey Results

Face-to-face questionnaire interviews and spot urine iodine tests were conducted for all participants, while thyroid ultrasonography was also performed for school-aged children. Fieldwork was completed in December 2019. Survey report was published in August 2021: Iodine Survey Report

Handling Collected Data

All data collected is used only for research and statistical purposes. Survey results are released in aggregated form only. All personal data is kept strictly confidential and disposed of safely within 6 months after completion of the survey.

Relevant Publications

Joint Recommendation on Iodine Intake for Members of the Public (Poster)

Joint Recommendation on Iodine Intake for Members of the Public (Pamphlet)

Joint Recommendation on Iodine Intake for pregnant and lactating women (Poster)

Joint Recommendation on Iodine Intake for pregnant and lactating women (Pamphlet)