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Stair Climbing Promotion Guideline – Programme Evaluation

Evaluation is an assessment of what has been achieved from a programme and how it has been achieved. It is an essential part of a health campaign and different campaigns may use different types of evaluation. Two commonly used ones are the process evaluation and the impact evaluation. Process evaluation assesses how the outcome has been achieved. It records all the activities that have been done during the implementation of the programme. Impact evaluation (also known as outcome evaluation) assesses what the programme has achieved.

Plan the Evaluation

  • The planning of the evaluation should go hand in hand with the planning of the programme because the success of an evaluation relies very much on its preparation. You may refer to past similar studies for references. You may consider adopting the whole or part of the study design used in the past literatures, depending on the objective of your evaluation.

  • Process evaluation

      • Objective: To evaluate how the outcome has been achieved

      • Measurements: All the activities that have been done, such as

        • Number of signage posted;

        • Number of activities and events that had been done;

        • Number of participants in each activity;

        • Participants' satisfaction levels; and

        • Participants' comments on the activities and events
  • Impact evaluation

    • Objective: To evaluate what the programme has achieved.

    • Measurements: The effects of the programme in short-term, intermediate or long-term, such as:

      • Stair utilization;

      • Self-reported by the participants on their knowledge on stair use; attitudes towards the health benefits of stair use; awareness of the programme; and habits of stair use.

Conduct the Evaluation

    • The evaluation takes place after the planning stage and it involves:

      • Data collection;

      • Data analysis; and

      • Results documentation (report).

  • The results of the evaluation guide you to make rooms of improvement on the next planning stage of a similar programme.