18 December 2006
The Department of Health will move to the second phase of the five-day week scheme on January 1, 2007 with some of the department's offices and clinics shifting to the new work pattern.
A spokesman for the department stressed that emergency and essential services in the department would continue to be provided on Saturdays.
He said the services to be moved into phase two would mainly involve registration or licensing offices for medical professionals and pharmaceutical services. Some clinics offering services to clients by referral, enrolment or appointment systems will also migrate to five-day week operation. These include:
- Registration services for medical and healthcare professionals as well as pharmaceutical services; registration and licensing services relating to Chinese medicines;
- Red Ribbon Centre (an AIDS education and resource centre), Kowloon Bay Integrated Treatment Centre, and AIDS Counselling and Testing Service;
- School dental clinics;
- Dental units in hospitals;
- Sai Ying Pun dermatological clinic; and
- Chai Wan social hygiene clinic.
The spokesman said the level of services provided by the department would not be affected by the scheme. Apart from extending the opening hours on weekdays, a number of measures will be taken to cater for customers' needs. For example:
- Registration/licensing services can be obtained by mail or electronic means, or through a drop-in box.
- The coverage of the existing shuttle bus for primary one to four students receiving annual dental checks in the school dental clinics will be extended to cover all primary students in phases. The enhanced service will make it more convenient for students and parents to visit the clinics during weekdays.
- Updated information on AIDS will be posted on the website (www.aids.gov.hk). The public can also call our AIDS telephone hotline (2780 2211) to obtain more information.
The spokesman added that the following emergency and essential services would not shift to the new work pattern on January 1, 2007:
- Public health laboratory services provided to hospitals/clinics;
- Monitored treatment service for tuberculosis patients;
- Methadone clinics;
- Medical services provided in correctional institutions;
- Port Health Office at immigration control points; and
- Cremation Permit Offices.
"Phase one of the five-day week in the department was implemented smoothly. We will closely monitor the situation and fine-tune the measures as necessary. Arrangements for the final phase will be announced in due course," the spokesman noted.
For details of the department's five-day week arrangements and new service hours, visit the department's homepage
www.dh.gov.hk or Government dedicated website on five-day week
www.gov.hk/info/5day. For enquiries, call 2961 8989, fax 2836 0071, email
enquiries@dh.gov.hk or call the 24-hour 1823 Citizen's Easy Link.
End/Monday, December 18, 2006