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Statistics on human swine influenza vaccinations

Statistics on human swine influenza vaccinations
A total of 5,976 doses of human swine influenza (HSI) vaccine were administered at Hospital Authority and Department of Health clinics during the 24 hours ending at 1 pm today (December 22).

They comprised 3,322 jabs for community living elderly aged 65 or above; 1,248 for persons under 65 years with chronic illness; 31 for pregnant women; 415 for healthcare workers; 943 for children aged between six months and less than six years; and 17 for pig farmers and slaughterhouse workers.

This brings to 7,504 the cumulative total of HSI jabs administered since the start of the vaccination programme on December 21, 2009.

No reports of serious adverse events with a history of vaccination, which may or may not be caused by the vaccination, were received.

Ends/Tuesday, December 22, 2009