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  Health Care Professionals

The role of primary health care professionals on physical activity promotion is well recognized. It is believed that primary health care settings provide an invaluable opportunity to conduct primary, secondary or even tertiary prevention among their clients because of the following reasons:

  • Services are provided in the community so that all people in the community can access the services.
  • Health care professionals enjoy a high level of trust and credibility among the general population. They have great influential power on people's knowledge, attitude and behaviour.

According to the Thematic Household Survey in the year 2010, 21.5% of the general population had consulted a doctor in the last 30 days. It was estimated that on average a person would visit a doctor 4 times a year. Hence, the general practitioners provide a convenient, reliable and effective source of advice, support and encouragement for people to participate more in physical activity.

The Exercise Prescription Project is launched to help doctors provide their patients with exercising advice in a professional and scientific manner. In this connection, a wealth of information and resources on exercise prescription are readily available for your reference:

Exercise Prescription Doctor's Handbook: Don't know how to prescribe exercise to your patients? Do take some time to read this section.

Continuous Medical Education: Explore the opportunities to obtain support for your continuous medical education.

Reference Materials: We are glad to provide necessary resources to facilitate your work. Visit this section to find out more.