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Prevention Of Tuberculosis

Department of Health TB & Chest Service

Prevention of Tuberculosis

TB & Chest Service Telephone Enquiry Hotline:2572 6024
Welcome to the website "Tuberculosis in Hong Kong"

What is pulmonary tuberculosis?
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease of the lungs caused by the germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis or tubercule bacillus.

How is the disease transmitted?
Pulmonary tuberculosis is an airborne disease. When a TB patient coughs or sneezes, small droplets containing the germs are generated and spread in the air.

What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis?
The symptoms include persistent cough, blood-stained sputum, loss of body weight, afternoon fever and night sweating.

How can tuberculosis be prevented?:
1. Early diagnosis and treatment.
The disease should be treated early in order to prevent the spread of the germs. Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis can attend any government chest clinic for treatment.

2. Examination of household contacts.
This includes tuberculin testing and/or chest x-ray examination for contacts below 5 and chest x-ray examination for contacts of age 5 or above.

3. Leading a healthy lifestyle.
The germs attack the lungs when a person's body resistance is reduced. So try to guard yourself by leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes balanced diet, exercise, adequate rest, maintaining a cheerful mood, quit smoking, refraining from alcohol, maintaining good indoor ventilation, personal and environmental hygiene in order to minimize the chance of contracting the illness.

4. Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccination.
The TB & Chest Service provides BCG vaccination to all newborns and children aged under 15 who have never received BCG vaccination before, to protect them against tuberculosis.

5. Anti-tuberculosis Campaign.
Regular health talks, exhibitions,etc are organized by the TB & Chest Service to raise public awareness about tuberculosis, and to secure community support to fight against the disease.

Tuberculosis Affects Everybody
Support Anti-tuberculosis Campaign

Full-time chest clinics
Wanchai Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2591 1195
Address: 1/F, Wanchai Polyclinic, 99 Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Sai Ying Pun Chest Clinic 2859 8227
Address: 2/F, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Polyclinic, 134 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong

Shaukiwan Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2560 4522
Address: 2/F, Shaukiwan Jockey Club Polyclinic, 8 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong

Kowloon Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2711 2086
Address: G/F, 147A Argyle Street, Kowloon

Yaumati Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2388 5939
Address: 2/F, Yaumati Jockey Club Polyclinic, 145 Battery Street, Kowloon

Shek Kip Mei Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2777 4535
Address: 1/F, Shek Kip Mei Health Centre, 2 Berwick Street, Kowloon

East Kowloon Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2352 0077
Address: G/F, East Kowloon Polyclinic, 160 Hammer Hill Road, Kowloon

Yung Fung Shee Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2727 8250
Address: 1/F, Yung Fung Shee Memorial Centre, 79 Cha Kwa Ling Road, Kowloon

Yan Oi Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2404 3740
Address: 2/F, Yan Oi Polyclinic, 6 Tuen Lee Street, Tuen Mun, NT

South Kwai Chung Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2419 1721
Address: G/F, 310 Kwai Shing Circuit, South Kwai Chung, NT

Yuen Chau Kok Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2647 6445
Address: 1/F, 29Chap Wai Kon Street, Shatin, NT

Tung Chung Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2109 6810
Address: 1/F, Tung Chung Health Centre, 6 Fu Tung Street, Tung Chung

Tai Po Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2689 5600
Address: 1/F, Tai Po Jockey Club Clinic, 37 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, NT

Part-time chest clinics
Sheung Shui Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2670 0211
Address: 1/F, Shek Wu Hui Jockey Club Clinic, Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui, NT

Yuen Long Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2476 0221
Address: G/F, Yuen Long Jockey Club Health Centre, 269 Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, NT

Sai Kung Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2792 2601
Address: G/F, Mona Fong Clinic, Man Lin Street, Sai Kung, NT

Cheung Chau Chest Clinic
Tel.No.: 2981 9441 ext.22
Address: G/F, St,John Hospital, Hospital Road, Tung Wan

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