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Statutory reporting of Chikungunya fever and EV 71 infection

Statutory reporting of Chikungunya fever and EV 71 infection
Medical practitioners are reminded to be on the alert of cases of chikungunya fever and enterovirus 71 (EV 71) infection and that they will be required by law to notify the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) of these conditions starting from March 6.

A DH spokesman said the Director of Health had ordered the diseases be included in the list of statutory notifiable infectious diseases, bringing to 47 the total number of infectious diseases on the list in the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599).

The order will be gazetted on Friday (March 6), he said.

"Given the recent major outbreaks of chikungunya fever in neighbouring areas, as well as the apparent increase of EV 71 infection in Hong Kong in 2008 and its potential serious complications, we consider that there is a pressing need to strengthen the surveillance of these two diseases in the community to ensure prompt implementation of effective public health preventive and control measures," the spokesman said.

The CHP has sent letters to all medical practitioners to inform them of the legislative amendment and reporting criteria.

Forms of notification are available at Central Notification Office (CENO) On-line, the web-based reporting system of CHP at

Doctors may also download the form and report by facsimile at 2477 2770. Enquiries about reporting can also be made to CENO at 2477 2772.

Ends/Wednesday, March 4, 2009