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Japanese encephalitis case confirmed

Japanese encephalitis case confirmed
3 July 2004
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (July 3) confirmed that serology tests on blood samples of a 50-year-old man yielded a positive result for Japanese encephalitis (JE). This is the third JE case reported this year.
This patient is a street sleeper who was picked up by the Police in a park in Lei Cheng Uk, Sham Shiu Po due to confusion on June 11 and transferred to Caritas Medical Center. He was found to have high fever and stiff neck on admission. His present condition is serious.
The CHP and FEHD have formed a team to inspect the area where the patient was found, conduct anti-mosquito measures, and distribute publicity materials on JE prevention. The CHP has set up a hotline 2575 1848 for concerned residents to call for health advice. Appropriate follow-up measures for people with symptoms will be arranged. The hotline is open from 4pm until 9pm today. It will be open this Sunday from 9am to 5pm, and during office hours on the following days.
The CHP is organizing a health talk for residents. Blood tests will be offered on that occasion as medically indicated.
FEHD will step up anti-mosquito work around the area where the patient stayed. Larvicides have been applied to control mosquito breeding.
A CHP spokesman said, "This third case had disease onset on or before June 11. We are trying to ascertain his local movements outside the district where he was found, to find out where he likely contracted the disease."
JE is transmitted by Culicine mosquitoes living mainly in rural areas. The mosquitoes breed in water-logged fields and marshes. The public is reminded to take measures to prevent mosquito breeding by removing stagnant water.
They are also advised to take the following precautionary measures both in Hong Kong and when visiting areas with mosquito-transmitted diseases:
* Wear long sleeved clothes and trousers;
* Use insect repellent over exposed parts of the body when outdoors; and
* Use mosquito screens or nets when the room is not air-conditioned.
Travellers who fall sick after returning from endemic areas should consult doctors promptly and give details of their travel history.
Details of the preventive measures against JE are available from CHP's website ( and DH's website (

End/Saturday, July 3, 2004