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Anti-mosquito measures continuing in Tin Shui Wai area

Anti-mosquito measures continuing in Tin Shui Wai area
5 November 2004
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) continues today (November 5) to conduct anti-mosquito measures in the Tin Shui Wai area.

These measures were made following laboratory tests confirmed positive results for JE in a batch of mosquitoes collected by FEHD on November 1 at Tseung Kong Wai which is 1.5 km south of Sha Kong Chuen where a five-year-old boy was confirmed to have contracted JE on the same day. The boy is now in stable condition in Tuen Mun Hospital.

FEHD had conducted intensive anti-mosquito measure including larviciding and fogging in the area. As part of the investigation, FEHD set up mosquito traps in the vicinity of the patient's home for laboratory testing.

As originally planned, the department will continue conducting anti-mosquito measures around the area for two months. New mosquito traps will be set up to evaluate the effectiveness of its measures.

"The finding of positive mosquitoes for JE completes a missing link in the CHP's investigations of the human JE case. It was postulated during investigation that the boy contracted the infection via infective mosquito bite near his residence. This postulation is now confirmed by laboratory tests." the spokesman added.

He added that the batch of mosquitoes was collected in the night that FEHD initiated its anti-mosquito measures in the vicinity. It merely reflected the situation before the operation took its effect..

There is no other suspected JE case reported to the CHP at present. Following the boy's case, CHP had conducted case finding and, together with FEHD, health talk in the neighbourhood of his residence in Sha Kong Chuen and did not find additional JE cases. Blood samples collected from family members and kindergarten teacher did not show evidence of recent JE infection.

The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health today (November 5) paid another visit to the neighbourhood of Tseung Kong Wai in Yuen Long to reinforce Japanese encephalitis (JE) prevention message.

A spokesman for CHP said: "During the visit, CHP provided the residents with health advice and disseminated JE prevention messages. The residents can also call the CHP's hotline at 2575 1848 for further health advice. Blood tests or medical referral will be arranged for those who need them after assessment. So far the hotline has received 28 calls since it was set up on November 1."

To prevent JE, members of the public are advised to take the following measures when visiting areas with mosquito-transmitted diseases:

* Wear long sleeved clothes and trousers;
* Use insect repellent over exposed parts of the body when outdoors; and
* Use mosquito screens or nets when the room is not air-conditioned.

Ends/Friday, November 5, 2004