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An imported case of leptospirosis under investigation

An imported case of leptospirosis under investigation
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is investigating an imported case of leptospirosis (an infectious disease caused by bacteria found in the waste of infected animals) involving a 32-year-old Hong Kong man.

A CHP spokesman said the patient developed fever and cough since November 23. He was admitted to hospital two days later and is now in critical condition.

Serology tests confirmed that he had leptospirosis.

Investigations revealed that the patient, who lived in Shenzhen, was a cross-boundary driver and travelled daily between Mainland China and Hong Kong. His family members did not have symptoms.

This is the ninth leptospirosis case reported to the CHP this year. There were three, 10 and five cases of leptospirosis reported to the CHP in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.

The spokesman said leptospirosis was a zoonotic (animal) disease caused by the bacteria, leptospira, which could be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses and dogs.

Most human infections occur through contact with urine excreted by infected mammals primarily through skin abrasions, open wounds or mucous membranes, and occasionally through ingestion or inhalation.

The disease is normally not transmissible among human, and the incubation period is usually between five to 14 days.

The spokesman said people infected with leptospirosis commonly presented with flu-like illness with high fever, headache, muscle pain, red eye, sore throat and rash. In some cases, the disease can cause anemia and affect the liver, kidneys, lungs, and other internal organs. The disease can be treated effectively with antibiotics.

"Overseas outbreaks of leptospirosis are usually related to occupational or recreational water exposures, such as water contaminated with urine of infected animals," the spokesman said.

He said that the risk of infection could be minimised by covering open wounds properly and avoiding contact with urine of live mammals and objects contaminated by them as well as polluted water.

Ends/Friday, December 11, 2009